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Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Gold Coast Morib

Hi... Just like i told u before, this week, my hubby bring me and our children to Gold Coast Morib.. Actually to celebrate my belated birthday and also our son coming birthday.. We buy 2 voucher from Street Deal, so we can stay here for 2 nites...

Actually, theres a problembefore we get in here..we don't receive our voucher until the day we check in. Thanks to Lily easturia vacation club for helping us...

Actually, this is not our first time stay in here... last year we celebrated my hubby birthday here... This resort offer studio suite with private jacuzzi.. That make my children happy.. They also have water themed... Although its not so big, but it safe for our children..
The stall

Nasi ayam with black pepper sauce
Nasi goreng kampung + telur mata
Before we check into our room, we got our lunch at a medan selera  near Majlis Daerah Kuala Langat... Wak Dol Soto.. My hubby ordered Nasi Goreng Kampung + Telur Mata Lembu... I ordered nasi ayam for me and my children... we also ordered milo ice, lychee ice and special limau kasturi wiyh asam boi juice... mmmm... the nasi ayam is not the ordinary nasi ayam that we always eat.. Its ayam was flooded with black pepper sauce... so nice and yummy... my hubby also enjoy his nasi goreng kampung...

Rumah api bukit jugra
bukit jugra view
After lunch, my hubby drive us to Bukit Jugra ... The place where the paragliding do their activities... Its so exciting up there, but there are no paragliding activities when we go there... The place are so windy but also calming our

bukit jugra

Hubby and children
rumah api
we check in at 3.00 pm.. There are a lot of people also check in today, even today is Monday.The room is so nice... my children jump in to jacuzzi and play in there for an hour... then they go for napping... At 5.00 i bring my daughter to theme park... My hubby and our son stay in the room ( Our son still sleeping) After an hour, we back to the room and ready for dinner... Our voucher including dinner and breakfast + theme park entrance..

after dinner, we went to Banting and buy some food for supper...
Now, at 11.00 pm my hubby and children are sleeping... I hope this family vacation will make our family happy and peace...

Khamis, 10 Januari 2013


Start from this week until the end of this semester, I become an English teacher ( OMG!!!). It is a big thing to me, because I never teach English before.. But I take this task as a motivation for me. So, I can practice my English while I assisting Miss Wirda teaching in our English class...

This first week, we almost do the introduction to the subject... Miss Wirda have her rules in our class...
this is my first English class

English for customer services

First, must be punctual.. I hope, I,m not the one who always late..
Second, no handphone in our class... (except for the lecturers)
Third, always look smart...
Fourth, ten cent for every malay, kadazan, iban, javanese, chinesee, german and etc in our English class. (maybe I'm the one who always pay for this... hope not..)

In this semester, 60 percent of our student is PERHEBAT... PERHEBAT is a group of army who will retire. But before that they must attend courses.. So some of them take courses in my College.. Exciting but adventure right!!
there are a lot of work loading on my back for this week... document, document, document... Last semester TEACHING RECORD FILE (FRP), examination document, students allowance document... and also audit from inner auditor. But I try my best to finish all the job...

So, next week my hubby and will bring our children to Goald Coast Morib... I am 31 years old this week and my son will celebrate his birthday on 21 January... I hope we will get a memorable and happy moment in there...

see you next entry yahhh...

Jumaat, 4 Januari 2013


Peplum...bila tengok baju jenis ni macam cantik je orang pakai (kita pakai cantik ke?)..
teringin juga nak memakainya..

Mengikut wikipedia Peplum bermaksud 'short overskirt that is usually attached to a fitted jacket, blouse or dress'.   fesyen peplum ni dah jadi trend sekarang ni.. bak kata umi pun baju Saloma.. Maknanya zaman Saloma dulu lagi fesyen ni dah popular... hilang dan kini muncul kembali... tak tahulah samada zaman dah kembali kebelakang atau ....?
mungkin betul juga kata seorang pensyarah GMI masa kursus AOL ( Action Oriented Learning ).. Manusia yang dilahirkan pada era selepas zaman perang dunia kedua (1946-1964) ni adalah baby boomers... sangat kreatif dan berdikari...buktinya... hasil kreativiti mereka menjadi inspirasi pereka sekarang... tahniah baby boomers (especially my mum).

seronok juga tengok fesyen peplum ni... baju kurung pun dah ada peplum... aku ada jugak cuba-cuba buat baju ni, tapi disebabkan faktor masa (actually malas pun ada) terbengkalailah projek aku tu...entah bila nak sambung... hehehe..
 untuk itu, sampai di sini saja entry untuk hari ni...


Ps: to dinda amizan... nanti bila baju dah siap boleh lah jadi model akak ye...

Selasa, 1 Januari 2013

2013 sudah DATANG

Assalamualaikum..... sudah terlalu lama saya meninggalkan blog ni... kini bertemu kembali di hari yang baru , di tahun yang baru...selamat tahun baru semua... semoga di tahun baru ini, kita mulakan dengan azam yang baru...

2012 yang penuh kenangan telah berlalu.. sekejap saja masa meninggalkan kita... anak-anak pun dah bertambah usia dan laku... semakin hari tugas sebagai ibu kepada kedua anak ini kian mencabar... Terutamanya untuk Ijoy yang semakin hari kian nakal, juga Dina yang banyak sangat soalannya....


 Esok Dina akan mula bersekolah.. walaupun cuma prasekolah sahaja.... persediaannya mengalahkan makcik dan pakciknya yang bersekolah menengah... semoga dia berjaya menyesuaikan diri dan menjadi pelajar yang pintar dan dihormati...

Walaupun tahun sudah berganti, saya masih orang yang sama.. masih lagi seorang isteri kepada seorang suami yang amat dicintai dan dikasihi, seorang ibu pada sepasang anak-anak yang nakal, dan juga masih lagi seorang pengajar anak bangsa... Alhamdulillah... saya bersyukur dengan nikmatNya... semoga Allah memberkati kehidupan kami sekeluarga....

Sebagai kakak... aku sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik buat adik-adikku... walaupun kadang-kadang aku tak mengerti apa yang mereka inginkan dalam kehidupan... aku cuba sedaya upayaku membantu tapi aku juga tak mahu manjakan mereka... semoga mereka faham kenapa...

Tahniah buat Epa kerana dikurniakan cahaya mata di hari pertama tahun 2013 ni... semoga baby girl yang dinanti kian lama dan penuh sabar ini dirahmati ALLAH hendaknya... (sorry tak dapat tengok kat hospital... mama tunggu kat rumah je ye...)

akhir coretan kali ini, semoga tahun 2013 ini akan bermula, berlangsung dan berakhir dengan keberkatan...